Comentum is Expanding its iPhone and Mobile App Development team in San Diego

Comentum is contributing to the expansion and success of mobile app entrepreneurs in San Diego

Comentum is expanding its mobile app development division in San Diego and hiring new talented iOS and Java developers to increase its ability to deliver high demand mobile applications.

San Diego is one of the leaders of high-tech companies and entrepreneurs; it is the home to over 110,000 businesses and ranked as the third largest technology city.

Comentum is helping San Diego to become one of the top cities for mobile app innovations. This can be accomplished because San Diego businesses are inventive and resilient. They just need a company that can assist them through the project discovery process, select the right mobile application development environment, and help with the correct execution of the design, marketing, development and deployment of the mobile app project.

Comentum plans to use its 27+ years of experience in application development to help San Diego entrepreneurs and businesses build successful mobile application projects.

There are a great number of innovative ideas out there and businesses need an experienced company to help them bring their ideas, and dreams of a successful project, to reality.

In order for a mobile application project to be successful, the project requires business strategies, approaches and executions that have been proven to work for today's mobile business environments.

Comentum's experienced business strategy consultants use their proven execution methods to help entrepreneurs and businesses create the best business strategies to ensure the success of their projects.

Comentum is one of a select few San Diego Mobile (iPhone and Android) Development companies that have been in business since 1998.

Comentum does not outsource any work outside the San Diego area. Even during bad economic times, Comentum has been growing and hiring new talented designers, developers, and business and marketing strategists.

Comentum provides a great working environment with complementary breakfasts, lunches and dinners every day.

Comentum's success is driven from the great work of its experienced and talented programmers, mobile (iPhone and Android) app developers and designers, and is lucky to have such an incredible team.

The team members all have their own set of skills and specialties, and when they work together they are able to build any complex application. Comentum is proud to have this much talent under one roof building success every day. Comentum is continuing the expansion of its mobile app design and development team and solid development structure to help businesses build a successful mobile app project.

About Comentum — Since 1996, San Diego based Comentum® Corporation is a leading enterprise solutions company consisting of seven experienced and specialized divisions:

Custom Mobile Development
Custom Web Application Development Services
Corporate Web Design
Products: Comentum eCommerce, Comentum CMS
Marketing and Research Services
Consulting and Strategy services
Technology Services

Contact Information
Corporate Office:
Comentum Corporation
6222 Ferris Square
San Diego, CA 92121

For Information Contact:
Comentum Corp
6222 Ferris Sq.
San Diego, CA 92121
Phone: 619-990-1212

Hours: Mon. - Fri., 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. PST

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Mobile App Development

iPhone, Google Android, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile
In-house development team.
San Diego, CA, USA.

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